When you look at the clock and see eleven hours and eleven minutes again. Do you notice people with the same jackets on the street. Do you only see yellow cars? You know how it is! It is the same with the Valmiera Region. If you see a good thing, it must come from this part of the country. Whether it be something to eat or otherwise enjoy. Where does the answer lie? This can be found out in the new tourism video of the Tourism Board of Valmiera Region about Valmiera Region.
When visiting the Valmiera Region, the range of offers for the traveler is very wide and varied, so many places and things to experience or taste, but the “cherry on top” is hidden somewhere else. It is the determination of the locals to strive for the best, hospitality and a spark of humor, strength and energy that comes from the depths of nature and makes a visit to Valmiera region unforgettable.
The video was made in cooperation with the creative advertising agency “Enter Creative” and the main character was played by the actor of Valmiera Drama Theater Krišjānis Strods.
The video is available on the “Visit Valmiera” YouTube account, the official website of Valmiera Region Tourism visit.valmiera.lv, as well as “Visit Valmiera” social media pages on Facebook and Instagram.
See you in the Valmiera Region!
Information prepared by: Baiba Misiņa, Marketing specialist, Valmiera Region Tourism Board. Mob. phone: 25770028 visit.valmiera.lv