Abulkrastu pirts is a bath house located in a quiet rural homestead, 6 km from both Trikāta and Brenguļi. Under the guidance of a certified bather, you can enjoy different types of sauna rituals, massages and other types of therapeutic procedures for physical and mental recovery and well-being.
Before the sauna ritual, you can seek a connection with nature by walking along the coast of Abuls, observing the Sprenu rocks, absorbing energy from the big stones or in the nearby meadows and woods, tying your own special sauna brooms from your favorite sauna herbs.
In addition, it is possible to see the animals of the organic farm: piglets, chickens, geese, bees.
Maximum number of visitors: 2 people or a family
Duration of the ritual: ~2 – 4 h
The visit must be booked in advance!