The magnificent flower garden Cīruļi, located only 5 km from Rūjiena, boasts a rich collection of peonies, perennials, flocs and lilies. In recent years, owners can be proud of plants that are not found in every garden. The owners of the houses have lived here for several generations, expanding, caring for and preserving the grandparents’ inherited garden every year. The family has always been united by a love of flowers, so the well-kept garden around the house and the tour led by the hosts will delight the eyes and mind of every visitor.
Early spring in the garden begins with the flowering of bulbs, snow roses and tulips. However, the owners themselves believe that the most beautiful time in the garden is in July, when the rich collection of daylilies and intoxicatingly fragrant, luxurious lilies give the garden a pleasant color accent. However, it is no less nice to visit here when the multicolored and fragrant peonies bloom. In the second half of the summer, more than a hundred varieties of flocs smell ever so sweet here. And until late autumn, you can enjoy the bright heirs and hosts.
Seedlings can be purchased on site. The visit must be booked in advance